Foreign Students Department

Admission requirements for educational scientific degree "Doctor"

1. Application form (Sample copy) addressed to the Rector of the University of Ruse for training in a given specialty;

2. Photocopy of the higher school diploma;

3. Academic transcript, issued by the higher school;

4. List of publications, translated into Bulgarian;

5. Short CV;

6. Medical certificate issued one month prior to applying in the original and translation into Bulgarian, or English or Russian.

7. Certificate for identity of names – if you are with dual citizenship;

8. Photocopy of the passport page (the page with your full name, written down in Latin, date and place of birth).

9. Six recent photos – (3,5х4,5).


1. The documents, specified in items 2, 3 and 6 should be translated and legalized;

2. The translation should be done into Bulgarian language. If you find it difficult, submit it into English;

3. The legalization
- of the documents, specified in items 2 and 3 should be done by the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Consular section of the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in the appropriate country;
- of the document, specified in item 6 should be done by the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Consular section of the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in the appropriate country;
4. For the citizens of the Republic of Turkey, the legalization of the documents, specified in items 2, 3 and 6 should be done only by the Governor’s certification.


Please, send your admission documents at the following address:

University of Ruse
8 Studentska Street
7017 Ruse, R Bulgaria




      Stanislav Dermenji, Ukraine
    This is my first year in University of Ruse. I am student in the specialty Industrial engineering. I really like our university very much. It is like all the best lecturers and students from whole Bulgaria have gathered here! There are numerous nice things here – I can write a whole book about that. I would like to say just one truth – Bulgaria should be proud to have University of Ruse! And it is real honour for me to study in it! All of you are welcome! Here you will receive knowledge at the highest level and you will meet new friends and lecturers, who love University of Ruse with all their heart.

Stanislav Dermenji, Ukraine ,
Industrial engineering