Foreign Students Department

Admission requirements for educational qualification degree "Master"

1. Application form (Sample copy) addressed to the Rector of the University of Ruse for studying in a given program. It's advisable to specify at least two-degree programs you would like to study;

2. Photocopy of the higher school diploma;

3. Academic transcript, issued by the higher school;

4. Medical certificate issued one month prior to applying;

5. Certificate for identity of names – if you are with dual citizenship;

6. Photocopy of the passport (the page with your full name, written down in Latin, date and place of birth);

7. Six recent photos – (3,5х4,5).


1. The documents, specified in items 2, 3 and 4 should be translated and legalized;

2. The translation should be done into Bulgarian language. If you find it difficult, submit it into English;

3. The legalization
- of the documents, specified in items 2 and 3 should be done by the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Consular section of the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in the appropriate country;
- of the document, specified in item 4 should be done by the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Consular section of the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in the appropriate country;
4. For the citizens of the Republic of Turkey, the legalization of the documents, specified in items 2, 3 and 4 should be done only by the Governor’s certification.


Please, send your admission documents at the following address:

University of Ruse
8 Studentska Street
7017 Ruse, R Bulgaria




Berkay Hilmi Zengin, Turkey Bulgaria is beautiful and interesting country with scenic nature, attractive sisghts, rich culture and history. I am happy, because I have made the best choice for me to study in University of Ruse. I don’t have any problems being an international student, because people around me make feel at home. Lecturers and staff from the International Students Directorate are very hospitable and pleasant and I can always count on their support and cooperation. I am happy that they give me the opportunity to develop myself firstly as a person and individuality and secondly – to build international friendships, which I hope will last lifelong. Thanks to the annual Festival of the international students we have the possibility to learn about the Bulgarian culture and traditions, as well as those of the other countries. At the same time I can present my own country’s traditions trough singing and dancing. Once again I would like to thank to my lecturers, International Students Directorate and all Bulgarian people.

Berkay Hilmi Zengin, Turkey,
Occupational therapy